Well it seems Apple are playing stupid again with downloaded applications.
Since Sonoma 14.5 they have made it much more difficult than it needs to be to just open a downloaded application.
In this instance the process is now as follows:
Right click on your velocidrone folder that you downloaded and select "new terminal at folder"
This will open a window where you can type some commands ....
First check the flag is set ...
sudo xattr launcher.app (use the path to your launcher this is just an example)
If it is quarantined it will return com.apple.quarantine as one of the flags on the launcher.app
Remove the quarantine flag as follows
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine launcher.app
Then issue sudo xattr launcher.app again and it will show you that the flag has been removed.
Now right click the launcher.app and select show package contents, then double click "contents" and then "MacOS"
You should now see two files ... launcher and launcher.dat - you should see that the launcher is not showing as a blackbox with a green 'exec' text in it - which means it's executeable flag has been removed.
Go back to your finder window where you issues the sudo xattr command and type ...
cd launcher.app
cd contents
cd MacOS
chmod +x launcher
You can now go back to your desktop and right click the launcher.app and select open and it should run.
I have no idea why OSX have gone back to this archaic system where you can't open an app just using the UI - it is frustrating to say the least.