We have had reports from several customers that they are able to make the DJI FPV transmitter work fine with OS X. We have had a similar number of customers telling us that it doesn't work.
It would appear that on some levels of OS X the DJI transmitter fails to create a joystick device when it is connected.
Velocidrone (and all other simulators) connect to this joystick device in order to have control within the simulator.
If the transmitter fails to create this device then no control is available in the simulator and Velocidrone will not be able to see the transmitter.
For reference one customer fixed this as follows:
Just FYI & to assist others: I did try an Apple brand USB-C to USB-C cable and the controller could not be recognized on my Macbook Pro! Then I tried a generic USB-A to USB-C cable and my Macbook Pro immediately recognized the new DJI FPV controller. All works well with Velocidrone.
We believe that this is possibly a DJI firmware bug as customers have told us that they can connect the transmitter if they put a USB hub in between the DJI transmitter and their Mac. So it would appear that this problem is something to do with directly connecting the DJI transmitter over USB C directly to a Mac USB C or thunder port.
At this time this is all the information that we know about this, clearly Velocidrone can support this transmitter on OS X but also it is clear that some customers are experiencing this problem and as such we believe they should report it to DJI as a firmware issue.