For Team BlackSheep devices  - Mambo / Tango 2 or the crossfire / Tracer modules you can connect to VelociDrone Mobile using the wi-fi joystick feature.

For this to work you need to be running the latest friomware on your Tango / Mambo or Crossfire / Tracer module.

You must have the wi-fi (TBS cloud) configured to connect to your chosen 2.4G network on your module or transmitter.

We recommend this be a hotspot so that your control inputs are not impacted by other network traffic.

The criteria to connect as a wi-fi joystick are as follows: 

1) TBS Tango, Mambo, Tracer or Crossfire module upgrade to latest firmware for the device and TBS cloud (wi-fi)

2) TBS cloud configured to connect to you chosen 2.4G network

3) Your phone or tablet running VelociDrone Mobile connected to the same 2.4G network

4) Wi-fi joystick configured as turned on in game options

5) Your Tango/Mambo powered on and / or your crossfire module powered and enabled